Does having a Facebook page or Instagram account give peace of mind?
Whilst browsing my personal Facebook news feed over the bank holiday weekend something stuck out like a sore thumb to me. An old school friend, who is now a well known artist, had shared something from her Instagram account and one of her friends had commented that it looked like she had a new account on that platform. Her response made me sit up and take notice: “Yes, I had to start another account, as Instagram shut my account down for no reason!” she outlined. Her friend’s response was even starker “Yeah, that happened to me too, and they never responded to my requests for an explanation!”
Now I don’t know what her friend’s business was, but my friend’s business as an artist, who has appeared on national TV and carried out commissions for the Football Association, struck me as one that shouldn’t incur the wrath of the Instagram/Facebook police, so I wondered if someone with a grudge against her, maybe a competitor even, had created a false slur against her for them to close her account down.
This got me thinking. With your own website, this situation can’t arise. It’s your website and, unless you are doing something illegal on your site, you don’t answer to anyone but yourself. So, your online shop will always be open for business. If someone has a complaint, they complain to you, not some faceless social media platform that has billions of users and doesn’t have the time to deal with your request to put your account back online. If this is your only way of selling your products/services to the world, the impact to your turnover could be huge and the time spent re-setting the account back up, and getting those followers again, could mean the death knell for your business.
Having your own website gives you complete control of how it looks, too. Your website is designed by you/your website designer (with input from you) and you have control of how it is laid out, how it is structured, etc and ensure it is visible to the maximum number of people, through being a responsive design and having search engine optimisation carried out on it, as all websites designed and built by EA Website Design Services are.
If you would like EA Website Design Services to design your e-commerce website or standard, contact us and we would be delighted to give you a competitive quote.